Our exhibition students have been busy in the archive these last few weeks, selecting their material for display. Come along to the University Library from Friday 24th November to hear more about banned magazines, dusty roads and unsung heroism.
This is the first time we will be using our breathtaking, vivid photographs from the Peter Mackay collection since digitising them over the summer so we’re very excited to see all the hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our crowdfunding supporters pay off!
“Pressure is definitely on now to get things ready in time, I don’t think any of us truly realised even with a small exhibition how much was involved. Dealing with third parties, getting deadlines organised… lots of learning for us!
So we are on the home stretch, hopefully everything will be ready for putting together on Thursday and we can all stand back at the end of the day and look at a good exhibition.”
Rosemary, Press & Marketing

Freedom Road – a theme that inspired our students in developing their exhibition